I built a basic cbg. I am having trouble getting the cbg to tune. I had it tuned it to open G but as soon as I get it intune BAM snapped string tonight the D last night the bottom G. I do not have much back ground in music other then I can strum 6 string and understant the concepts of guitar. Any suggestions or tips on tuning would help would be helpful! Maybe its a build issue????
Set it to open G and tune your strings to number 2,3&4 G,D,G (your fattest wound string should be the lower G and your unwound string higher G) That should do it.
It looks like two wound strings and one plain string to me. If so, way to much tension. Detune to E, D or C before you lose an eye! If you want open G, you need the second, third and fourth wound strings for a low G, or the fourth wound string with the fifth and sixth plain string for a high G.... roughly speaking, at least with "standard" gauge acoustic strings.
can not see any for sure problems from the photos. What do you mean by open G? Sounds like you are using GDG. If you are using the 5th, 4th and 3rd string from a six string set, the low G should be a bit lower that a 6 strings A string. The D and the small G the same as the six string's D and G.
Thansk for all of the input I think I was using the wrong strings and the wrong tuing concept. I seemed to have it sounding way better then before.
again thanks for all of the input
Which strings are you using?
What is you scale length?
Make sure you;ve tuned it in the right octave, (not too high) Try using this tuner http://www.howtotuneaguitar.org/
Set it to open G and tune your strings to number 2,3&4 G,D,G (your fattest wound string should be the lower G and your unwound string higher G) That should do it.