I tried to send a photo that didn't upload to this e-mail address, as listed in the site instructions.  It suffered a permanent failure, as noted in the title.

Also, I have to pay about $10/GB to upload data, which always turns out to be larger than the actual file.  It would help if there were some way to transfer photos already uploaded to this site to "My Page".  Then we only have to upload them once. 

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  • Isuspect it's your operating system or browser, my experience is the same as Scott's

  • Someone else may know the answer to the first part of your question.Might be the photo format that doesn't agree with the CBN server, or ???

    But when you upload photos directly to the main photo page, your "My Page" should also automatically have that photo(s) updated. At least that is how it has worked for me for years.

    • I can upload photos.  I just meant that since there don't seem to be a way to transfer them from "My Photos" to posts & discussions, they have to be uploaded more than once.  On my wordpress site, the media library is available to any page or post,k without having to upload anything again. 

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