• Aug 26, 2012 from 9:00am to 12:00pm UTC-04
  • Location: Sacramento, CA area
  • Latest Activity: Aug 3, 2021

The 1st Sacramento Area Cigar Box Guitar Get-to-Gether

A group formed on CigarBoxNation.Com


Sunday, August 26, 2012

1 to 4 pm


The Strum Shop

408 Roseville Square
Roseville, CA 95678


Directions:  I-80 east of Sacramento (towards Reno);  Take the Douglas Blvd WEST exit;  Thru the light at Harding Blvd;  past the gas station on the right and turn Right into the shopping center;  The Strum Shop is about ½ way down on the left side, just past the Sunflower Market.


The Strum Shop has a small stage with mics & amps for players (Please bring a few copies of your chord sheets for others to play along).  Bring items for show & tell on building CBGs & CBUs, tricks of the trade, & tuning & playing.  There will be a nice selection of cigar boxes for sale (for a $5 donation to UkesforSchools.com).  Bring your own snacks & non-alcoholic beverages.


This get-to-gether is free & open to anyone with an interest in CBGs.  Please do not call the Strum Shop for information or directions.


Contact is Will King right here on CBN.  Please sign up to be my friend to exchange emails on your ideas and setting up an agenda.

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  • I am planning to attend and expect to bring along two more possible converts who are interested in building & playing GBG's. Two of us are recent discoverers of ukuleles.
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