• Jun 3, 2012 from 1:30pm to 10:00pm UTC-04
  • Location: New Cross Inn
  • Latest Activity: Aug 3, 2021

New Cross Inn Presents...

A fantastic Sunday night of the UK's best cigar box blues bands and artists!










Traditionally Blues Music had many forms and styles, played in many different ways, on may different instruments, some complex and some primitive. What most people think of as The Blues, Ry Cooder with his clean style, is but one form. Dampening the strings with a flat finger behind the slide makes this clean tone, this we do not do. I call the style that myself and Tom play Slide, Rattle `n` Roll, in this style of playing there is no dampening, the strings are all aloud to ring out, you can hear the Slide movements upon the neck. Open strings are aloud to sound, it can get messy, Blues with warts and all!

We are writing Modern Blues Music in our own style, not American Style, but British. Is it a new form of “The Blues”, you tell me! We are using primitive, Home Made instruments, Valve amps, Home Made Stomp Boxes, as well as Modern Guitars and Digital Effects. We play a blend of Old and New, we want to breathe new life into the Old Dog and bring “The Blues” into the new Century. Our music tends to be faster and more Beatty than the Old Blues, I think it is like, Blues, R`n`R, Skiffle and Modern Indie Music, all rolled into one. We are Gigging act, we play out when every we can, usually we Gig about once a week. We want to spread the word, enlighten people, change perceptions and most of all Entertain!







Only £3.00 entry ADV / £5 OTD

20% off all drinks before 8pm!

For tickets: http://www.newcrossinn.com/?p=2&id=566

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