• Apr 9, 2011 from 12:00pm to 5:00pm UTC-04
  • Location: Thonas Nelson Community College
  • Latest Activity: Aug 3, 2021

The 10th Annual Hampton Acoustic Blues Revival will take place on Thomas Nelson Community College’s Hampton campus at the Dr. Mary T.Christian Auditorium in Templin Hall on Saturday, April 9 from 4-9:30 p.m. Thefree event is open to the public and includes performances by M.S.G.-TheAcoustic Blues Trio which features TNCC Adjunct Instructor Jackie Merritt, aguitarist, bassist and harmonica player. Others scheduled to appear are BruceKincaid, Fetner & Dikon, Fat Tony and Del Rey.


The revival begins with Bruce Kincaid conducting a “Diddley Bow Workshop” from 4-4:45 p.m. The diddley bow is a homemade instrument consistingof a wooden board and a single wire string stretched between two screws. It’splayed by plucking while varying the pitch with a metal or glass slide held inthe other hand. The instrument is significant to blues music because many bluesguitarists got their start playing it as children. Kincaid is an accomplishedvocalist, percussionist and harmonica player who has performed with classic rockand blues band Relic and the Virginia Choral Society. He currently plays withShelly Craig-Potter and Dale Butcher as part of the band, Blues Committee.


For more information about the Tenth Annual Hampton Acoustic Blues Revival, please contact the office of Public Relations at (757) 825-2725.






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