• Sep 12, 2010 from 7:00am to 1:00pm
  • Location: Mount Dora Flea market - Reningers Pavillion
  • Latest Activity: Aug 3, 2021
Next Sunday Sept 12th, we will be at the music swap meet in Mount Dora Fl. Just outside of Orlando. The website ishttp://www.livecfl.com/lcmsm/lcswap.htmland includes directions etc. This is a monthly thing.Here is a note on directions = Lake County Musician's Swap Meet at Renninger's Antiques Center on Rt. 441 in Mount Dora Florida - Second Sundays from 11 am until 5 pm Come see us at booth 315. I will bring thirty or so cigarbox guitars. I have enough of an amp to be heard now and willattempt to entertain some... My cigarbox gits are priced anywhere from 28 bucks for a diddly bow to 195 for a super nice full on three or four string. I will have a couple of new ones ready this month. This is an ongoing thing and is pretty easy to get to from lots of north and centralFlorida. The last few months we had a steady stream of traffic and close to a thousand folks wandered thru last month. There's a ton of parts and qizmos there plus lots of guitars, amps etc. Some Dulcimers, and of course Cigar box guitars. Its being held the second Sunday of everymonth. Email me at billludeman@yahoo.com or message me if you need more info or check Big Al's website. Thanks, Bill Ludeman
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  • Shane - I have some old bone that might be of some use I could bring. There is usually a huge amount of stuff along the lines of tuners - pickups and parts and lots of amps and speakers. Tons or regular guitars and basses - I will have my cigar box builds of course. I have seen everything from didgeridoos to huge copper kettle drums. A few dulcimers, banjos, diddly bows and a stand up bass or two. I may bring a floor harp if space allows. So the variety is there but also lots of standard electric six string guitars. There is no telling what will be at one of these things but it keeps growing and I suspect it will be full to overflowing with vendors. I imagine it would be worth the gas money to just come hang out and about guarantee you will buy some goody to make the trip worth while - BUT I don't know enough about your needs to really say that. Its an awful lot of work for us and I have not sold much stuff overall. First three months we sold nothing but bought stuff each time. Next three we sold some stuff but discounted it quite a bit. Still bought stuff each time. Had fun every time. I hope it will become a central monthly meeting place for us builder types - I have met a dozen Fla. builders there over the last year and seen some cool stuff. One guy even stocked me up on pool cues which I promptly made into a cool two stringer which sold instantly. No telling what September will be like. Look me up if you come. I will be the guy with 30 or 40 cigarbox instruments in the middle of it all. Bill
  • Bill, have you done this before? If so, how did you do selling guitars? Also, does anyone sell tools there? How about bone for nuts and bridges? Any extra info helpful...its about an hour and a half for me to get there and want to make sure its worth the trip. Thanks
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