Holiday time is coming up...

Ok, part of me hates myself for even mentioning it this early...but given my skill level I need time to practice if I'm going to learn anything to share with my family so I kind of have to bring it up early.

Holiday season is just a few months away, and I'd love to learn a few simple songs on the CBG to play for friends and family during our celebrations.  

I've had very mixed luck with the various dulcimer/strumstick sites...and just can't for the life of me take chord progressions and make them sound like a song.  So I'm hoping some of you who are better and more experienced at this kind of thing can help those of us who aren't and share some tab's for some holiday songs arranged for 3 or 4 string CBG (3 string preferred by me since my 4 string has been in progress for almost 7 months now and shows no sign of being completed anytime soon - having too much fun playing the 3 string to stop and build!)

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