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ZIGGY / BOWIE SWAMP WITCH on its way to the UK .Antique typewriter key initials , copy of 1974 concert stub .Copy of hand written bowie lyrics.union jacks , and swamp witch mojo ;-)swamp witch guitars .grab yours here ;site http://swampwitchguitars.weebly.comebay http://stores.ebay.com/Swamp-Witch-guitars

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  • back at  ya  bud  ;-)

  • She said even if I did sell everything we own I still couldn't afford a Gibson guitar, or even a Swamp Witch lmao.

    If I owned the house I'd remortgage it for a Swamp Witch though. Probably a good thing I don't own the house really. If I did I'd HAVE to buy her a small holding in Scotland. I'm sure she'd let me get a Swamp Witch too if I sold up.

    You're a hoot Pick. If I were the kind of person who liked people then I'd reckon you were okay. ;)

  • try  this  ;

    " Dear  Dani  ,

      I have a confession to  make  ,  i  spent  everything we  own on a vintage  Gibson  guitar  that cost  1000's  of dollars  .. , i  had to sell  everything  we own    too , including  the house  ,   i  felt  bad   , so  i  stole   us a tent  that  we  could live  in  by  the river  ,   but  the cops  busted  me  for  theft    ,,  so  i'm  in  jail  .  but  my cell-mate   said  he  could  make  things worth  our  while   if   you  mule  some stuff  in  for  him  ..  so  we  should be able to  get  by    ... ................

    actually  .. i'm  just   kidding  .  i  bought a swamp witch, and   am in  the basement  playing it  ;-)

    luv ya  ;-) "

  • I could, but she keeps hinting she wants a small holding in Scotland. I could buy a Swamp Witch for her to play on the small holding. When/if she gets the small holding haha. I love your sneakiness. Operation lets save up is a go!

  • lol.  reminds  me  when  Homer  bought   Marge a  bowling ball   for " her"  .  ;-)

     you could try  that  route  ;-)

  • What else works is the current negotiations with Dani to get four haha. My words are one three string fretted, one three string slide, one four string fretted one four string slide. Her words are get a new wheelchair first then we'll talk about it again. It's not a no though, right? ;) One day Pick. One day. Probably just one but one day.

  • lol, that  works  too  ;-)

  • Me have buddies? I'm antisocial and don't like anyone. My niceness on here is a front lol. I'll just have to save up amd get two so the shipping sounds better in the total :D

  • thanx for the kind words    ;-)

    maybe  find a buddy that  wants  one too,  and  you  can split the shippin  ;-)


  • Sounds a lot for shipping but that's what it costs nowadays. Plus it's a super large parcel and it's not like one person can carry it in their pocket haha. From what I've heard from every Swamp Witch I've ever heard your guitars are worth every penny and if I had the cash I'd have three! One day. If I had to choose a guitar to take to Valhalla with me it'd be a Swamp Witch. Thanks for sharing this.

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