Young Mans Blues

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Penned in 10 mins , waitin for the wife,gruffy old blues, kinda had aRod Stewart Faces riff to it

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  • Cool beans feelin any better? Its in G most of my CBG tunes are in G..looking forward to see what ya do.

  • What's the tuning?
    Thanks for the words,
    I'm a bit deaf after last nights recording so
    May take me a small while to get to
    But will give it a go... Good tune man
  • Do carry on Bugmeastro

  • Nice one  Vinnie.. I will have to have a go with one

  • Thanx ,James and Bug

  • Haha love Ron wood in that pic,and Rods clothes too thanx, brotha

  • I am a fan of the Faces nice Vinnie


  • exactly ,how i write woofy, so insightful u r

  • Word wordy words

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    Word wordy words

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  • Thanx, Slowpaw Wes, ,I feel ya  guys


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