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''You Gotta Move'' AGP #1 - 08 May 2016

Views: 265
Disclaimer: (1) I am not a musician, merely an ex “Ham Fisted Bricklayer”, wholoves building and playing CBG’s.(2) It’s all slide, as I haven’t got into chords (yet!)(3) Half the time I do not know what I’m doing, so there will bemistakes etc.(4) This Video is in no way an attempt to show off any skills (orthe lack of!), but to merely demonstrate how some of my manybuilds sound and differ.(5) Any “Constructive” criticism is more than welcomed.I thought it appropriate for my first Video Post, that I use my very firstBuild, AGP #1, and from memory the first riff I learnt, “You Gotta Move” in its simplest form, I seemed to adapt to finger pickin’ easier than a plectrum, hence the finger and thumb pick, also used here is one of my lovely “Dave Lynas” ceramic slides.It’s played through a Roland Micro Cube on Acoustic Channel with Volume, Gain and Reverb all on full, I used a ZOOM Q2 Handy Video Recorder for the Vid.

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  • "Thanks Jon trownson" for looking and commenting, I thought I was the only one with those qualifications, nice to hear I have a "Soul Mate", just noticed it's a few days short of a year since I put up that Vid, your comments might just inspire me to do Number #2   :-D

  • A ham-fisted bricklayer who only plays slide and doesn't know what he, s doing half the time.... You've just described me perfectly mate.... Nice via H

  • "Thanks" Rick Alexander, for that much appreciated comment, will post a "Revved Up" version at a later date!!!

  • "Thanks" Maddog, I am finding it hard to get of my workshop, just about to post another build, and I've already started on another!!

  • That sounds great! 

  • Great ditty Bro! Enjoyed it :-)

    I too am guilty of spending all my time in the workshop and not enough time with the playing/practicing part. I am trying to do more of the latter :-) 

  • "Thanks" RTZGUITARS, Yep!, there is a lot of help on Cigar box Nation, my intention is to get out of the shed, and play a lot more, instead of building CBG's, but it remains to see if that will happen? 

  • "Thanks" James O Lunsford, for the encouraging comments, and now that I've broken the ice, there will be more! 

  • Sounds real good AGP just keep playing a lot of help around here

  • Sounds good AGP you done a fine job on playing and guitar amp settings sound good looking forward to hearing you play more.

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