Which PEDAL should I buy for my cigar box guitar?

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Shane does his best Dear Abby and answers your cigar box guitar questions. Official site: http://shanespeal.com Stubby Slides at http://StubbySlide.com

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  • Awesome sounds, Shane. I've got a Roland Micro Cube that's got lots of great sounding effects, but you have to be happy with playing the same effect through an entire song because you have no way to switch it off. And the Cube's effects aren't as extreme sounding as some of the pedals. I've been contemplating pedal effects as well. I think it all depends on the style you're playing. Because I play mostly clean fingerpicking and am not doing slide, I'd pass over distortion for a chorus, phaser or flanger...and of course a nice delay.

    There are so many pedals to choose from though. What's a good delay pedal? What's a good phase shifter pedal? Etc, etc...that's where it gets hard to decide.

  • Brilliant explanation/demo. I knew nothing about pedals, I know a lot more now. Xmas coming up soon, Ho Ho Ho - that's one Ho plus delay.

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