Wagon Wheel Cover on CBG

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I am not sure about this one, but here goes. Probably would sound better after a few beers. My slowed down version of the OCMS classic. Hope I didn't screw it up as bad as Hootie.

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  • Nah, we don't eat hardly any tofu. A little in miso soup and other Asian dishes where it is appropriate, but not as a substitute for meat.

    I still eat some sea food so the last thing on the BBQ was a 7 1/2 pound lobster.
  • Good song title too...Monster Mushroom Burger!
  • BBQ Flavored Tofu?

  • Tofu to you, are you realy sure?
    What can you now have on a BBQ?
  • Really nice!!!!


    There are a few things I sort of wish I had eaten before giving up meat.  Marrow is one.  Rabbit another.  Meh, someday I may go back to a more carnivorous diet.

  • Finger lickin picking mr Ed bad ass fingerz!
    Nice work!!
    It's 22.06 and I have Be!!!
    And kooked a marrow! Yeee haw!
  • Thanks for taking a look. I was surprised this could be played on a 3 string and sound pretty good with all the chords inverted.
  • well it's 10am here, so I've had no beers, but I enjoyed that : -)

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