A quick demo, just done on my phone, of my latest build, which is more or less finished except for a bit of tweaking.The old tin cost 99p from eBay. The neck I think is Iroko, with ebony nut and bridge.It has a rod piezo, right under the bridge inside the tin. It's fretted like a dulcimer or strumstick so is fun and easy to play : -) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqh-etL9ehUMight take it busking tomorrow to give it a proper test out!
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Hi Joanne and thanks. Well it's fretted like a dulcimer, but don't know if you'd call it one?? The scale is 22" and it has D,G and B strings on it and is mostly tuned B, F#, B
Yeh Be, I have the pics of the build posted on the picture forum or on my page. I haven't gotten to the video as I am technologically impaired, I may have to get with Uncle John and have him teach me the ropes on the video posting.
thanks Rooster.That's great it's a good instrument to get started on, so ideal for a child ...
Sounds great B. I just gave one away to a kid I know.
Hi Joanne and thanks. Well it's fretted like a dulcimer, but don't know if you'd call it one?? The scale is 22" and it has D,G and B strings on it and is mostly tuned B, F#, B
Nice sounding instrument.
Is this a dulcimer? and if so, what is the tuning and which strings are you using.
What is the scale?
thanks Pablo : -)
Sounds like "Honey"!...beautifull!...* * * * * (*) SIX GOLDEN STARS!...
cheers : -)
Cool has a real neat sound!!
thanks Sammy
Maddog, right I'll go and have a look. Yeah John will sort you out : -)
Yeh Be, I have the pics of the build posted on the picture forum or on my page. I haven't gotten to the video as I am technologically impaired, I may have to get with Uncle John and have him teach me the ropes on the video posting.