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Unknown Legend - my Neil Young Cover

Views: 106
This song was played on one of my homemade dog bowl 3 string guitars. I played this song using only two cords (C & F), because they are closer to my vocal range (Neil played it in G & D). I also used a cheap recycled $20 keyboard from the local rescue mission to do the background accompaniment & drum rhythms - and lined up the 3 recorded tracks in Audacity to merge them down into a single stereo .mp3 file, which I added to this motorcycle themed photo slide show video.Low tech and simple techniques still prevail in crafting these musical arrangements! :-)

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  • Thanks for the feedback Danny. . . I really got to like that song a whole lot over these past few days in recording the music tracks and doing the visuals for it... makes me want to go out a buy myself a touring bike and go do the Route 66 touring run (don't laugh - I've been looking on Craigslist for used tour motorcycles + been checking on what motorcycle endorsements would be required on my license) while enough of it is left and still there to appreciate the scenery and nostalgic tourist attractions ...   :-)  

  • awesome I love Neil Young's music and style one of my favorite artists

  • Thanks George, the YouTube link below works !

  • Thanks for the heads-up regarding the link not working for iPad (and maybe other tablet) users, Richard. 

    Here's a direct link to youtube for iPad and other tablet users to click on to play the music video...


  • George, unfortunately your video isn’t showing , video or audio for iPad users. This has been a problem for a while. I did see your video fine and dandy on YouTube! You might put a YouTube link in the comment section for iPad and iPhone users. Great video, all aspects! Very impressive, I’ll be watching this many times!

  • Thanks for the reply AGP - I thought it was pretty unique that the bowl ringing actually made it across to be picked up by the snake oil humbucker pickup I have installed near the neck/body junction.  It would be interesting to see if your dog bowl resonator gives you the same kind of ring when played ... it is very apparent here when that is the only instrument being played.    

  • At the first viewing I was very impressed with the nice mellow tones of the Dog Bowl, just had another listen, and you are dead right George, one can hear the Doggy Bowl a Ringin', have built 3 Dog Bowl builds in the past, still have one left, which I am now motivated to go find in my shed and play for the 1st time in quite awhile  :-D

  • Thanks AGP!   Were you able to hear that 3 string dog bowl resonator guitar bowl actually ringing while I played it?  It was really apparent to me when listening to the second half of the song . . . So there's your Neil Young cover . . . up next - a classic song from the band named Poco . . . ;-)

  • "Well Done George", a lot to like about this one, Great Song!, Great Vocals!, Good Mix of Tracks! and Nice Images!  :-)

  • Thanks for the feedback Uncle John - I may try to upshift my next creation to the key of D to see how that sounds when recorded in the upcoming Poco band classic song cover project.  I can't tell if a key i'm singing in is working for me while I'm actually singing in it - but the audio recordings of my vocals starkly tell no lies in this regard)... 

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