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Uncle Crow Live on Mojo Medicine Show

Views: 105

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  • Yeah a small glimps into how the show really goes. Pretty cool to watch myself...oh and Uncle Crows music is so awesome from such simple guitars made for a few bucks.
  • man did'n seen this before very cool live !!!
    i need a cam :D
  • Damn right, I enjoyed the hell of that show. IT WAS AWESOME! It's really cool to see everybody. Thank you Rev, Crow, Nox, LJ. LONG LIVE THE MOJO MEDICINE SHOW!! (Fridays @ 4pm eastern on I'm throwing out a challenge to everyone on Cigar Box Nation that love cbg's and the music that is made with them to get online and support Rev. Nix, the Mojo Medicine Show and the musicians. Hope to see you in the live chat.
  • Great idea to record video :D In my opinion videocasts are the future of podcasts, they usually get high traffic rankings, just drop them in the right provider so you will get good RSS distribution and it will fly in no time before you even know :-) PLEASE SEND MORE !!
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