"Turn It Up" & "Miles To Go" SAMANTHA FISH BAND - 6/6/15 FTC
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Jim in Tucson:
"She is not a member of the local MMS"
Funny and true. I had to read your post a second time to catch the joke.
Great video. That girl can tear it up.
FWIW - she's only 25 and in it for the long run so I don't think any unfounded criticism directed her way is going to stop her. YEah, she's a little rough around the edges at times in her performances. Which is not a bad thing in my book since I have a lot more respect for a musician who is reaching for something at the edge of their current ability - and maybe didn't quite pull it off - than I do for the seasoned "legends" (you know the names) who have gotten their shtick down so well that they've gotten jaded and slick about it. And maybe her voice hasn't really come into it's full potential if my experience with female singers is anything to go by. But with that degree of dedication, it will. Look how long it took Bonnie Raitt, Ricky Lee Jones, and a host of other women to even get a modicum of the recognition they deserved in the music biz. (And look how many sadly fell into the slick and "show more cleavage" trap once they did make it.)
Dunno. I have confidence in this young woman. The big takeaway I get from her performances is: it all about the music. And that's refreshing - even if her guitar work isn't up to Stevie Ray or Ronnie Earl's - or her vocals on par with Etta James. I think we're just seeing the tip of the iceberg with this lady. And it will be interesting to follow her career as it progresses.
Ice Bob......Lucky you;)
Jim In Tucson said:
"John > JMHO, but my guess is that Samantha’s vids, unlike those of some posters, don’t get the “multiple posts of people’s compliments,” because she’s not a member of the local MMS."
Hi Jim. Samantha Fish might be a little too busy to be a site member. At this point in her career, she probably lives on the road. And.......I didn't realize the purpose of this site was to be a cheerleading section for members. I thought the purpose was to promote CBG.
Here is the bottom line for me. As John "Reddog" McNair said on one of his sites:
"Samantha Fish is the best thing to ever happen to Cigar Box Guitars." He's right of course, and this needs to be recognized as fact.
saw her a month ago great show !!! shes got it and a nice personable young lady signed my CD
John > JMHO, but my guess is that Samantha’s vids, unlike those of some posters, don’t get the “multiple posts of people’s compliments,” because she’s not a member of the local MMS.
Ron, thanks for your comments, and I totally agree. Lots of envy in this world, and purists are the bane of us all.
When Bob Dylan plugged in at the Newport Folk Festival, the crowd booed, but worst of all, Pete Seeger tried to unplug him.
Samantha Fish is getting up there, and putting it all on stage. No, she wasn't born a poor black child in Itta Bena. Neither were Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jonny Laing, or Johnny Winter. Doesn't matter. She can play, and entertain.
Here is what I find astounding.......On this forum someone can post the most mediocre singing and playing (I'm being generous), and get multiple posts of people's compliments. Then someone posts a video like Samantha Fish and there are only a few comments. I just don't get it. You would think that on a CBG forum such as this, folks would be able to recognize what great CBG playing and singing sounds like.