The Ax

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Steel Sawzall Box 5-string Guitar tuned GDGbd, matched humbuckers on a blend pot, relic paint and metal finishes.Photos here:

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  • Thanks turtlehead!  The blend pot does as you suggest.  Sort of an infinite position switch between bridge and neck humbuckers.

  • Thanks Steve!  Can't wait to start the next one.  I ordered up another set of humbuckers and a 5-string bridge/tailpiece.  I have another standard 6-string tailpiece that I can hack down to 5 string as well.

    On the hunt for more sawzall boxes.  I see more 5-string guitars and maybe a few 4-string bass guitars in the future.

  • 306359842?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • YEP SOUNDS GREAT............................

  • Thanks eK and RTZ. It's really not much different than a dreadnought for size.

    I bought a saw today just to have another box.
  • that's a ridiculously large box guitar but its sounds great I would play it on stage I would need a pick in a drill though.

  • Wow! Who needs an 'axe' when you got a 'saw.' That sound is just made for roadhouse blues. Well done!

  • Thanks Clock.  :)  I'm pretty proud of this one.

  • WOW!!! LOVE IT!!!


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