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Views: 423
Here she is , my newest build .. I call her “ tea-n -tea “ . due to the 2 tea boxes and her explosive sound..Have a look and a listen .( i'm just putting her through the paces for you to show her range . - it may sound like i'm clicking pedals , but i'm not .. ,i'm just switching the pickup options . . these vintage pickups are awsome )How cool is this thing ? a detachable potato masher for a lap rest .. with a bracelet cuff attached ,Turn it sideways and it sits, and looks like a gun ;-) the yardstick fretboard is cool and vintage , and with the booze flask spout makes the neck look like a chimney or smoke stack when standing up . the curved wood holding the electronics is a berry picking basket handle . , the pole the turners are on is the arm for a window scraper .The wrap around string design was a pain in the butt ,, but looks cool . she is set up for 3 strings , but I broke one just before this video . lol . this thing roars ,, believe it or not , that’s only an extra light #2 and 3 strings on there . the vintage pick ups give a wide range from bass to treb .. these pick ups are awesome .. the best I have ever heard . I also reversed the pickups to get a better sound and put the neck pick up in the back .She looks small , but she’s a 24 scale . her bridge starts right at the end of the guitar .The tac fret markers on the neck is also a cool design .. and allowable because she’s a slider .but the raised narrow yard stick fret board allows for fingering also.Call her 'steam punk" if you want .. but that was not really what I was going for , it just developed into this and took on a life of its own ;-)Hope you like her ;-)I absolutely love this thing . I can’t put it down ;-)

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  • not meant  for fingering , but you can get  away with a bit  , mostly  on the lower end .
  • Awesome sound - is it just slide or can it be played with fingers?
  • thanx  mike  ,    ;-)
  • Nice build. HUGE sound.  Looks like a crowd pleaser!
  • forgot to mention ,,  the stain on it   was  the  vinagar and steel  whool  thing ,,  just let it soak  for 3 hrs  not over night as suggested   .  gave   it a nice  barn board look .. the  neck was almost "white"  before , and  the  boxes were  new  pine .

    i never stained the base  it was scrap wood .

  • lol - the wrap around  strings was a pain , and caused   shorter scale   due to  average string length  etc ,,, which varies  from company to company , so that was my  main concern  and caused alot  of  other  issues  such as  bridge placement  and the   last fret  to actually be  right  over the pick up  almost . to allow space between the boxes for the  tuners  and still have a 24 scale . .  etc..

    i think its my  last wrap around   build  ;-)  lol.

    thanx for the comments  ;-)

  • nice rig makes my brain hurt and no ideas were mine bet that got 2000 hrs figerin ,no joke it is cool
  • thanx bemuzic  ;-) that put a smile on my  face  ;-)
  • WOW amazing design and look AND sound!!!!
  • lol  . if ya read the description ..  i broke one  just before the vid  ;-)

    just my luck  ;-)

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