"T for Texas" Cookie Tin 4 String fretless guitar dobro banjo slide thing Mark Stowe

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Just an old country song I always loved.The original Blue Yodel #1 was recorded by Jimmie Rodgers, the Singing Brakeman. The song was originally going to be call "T For Texas" but because Rodger's yodeling was so powerful they changed the named to the "Blue Yodel #1". A true classic that is still more powerful then anything Nashville can handle now. It was Jimmie Rodgers (along with the Carter family) that helped to popularize county music.Of course there are a million cover versions of this song out there.Back in the 1970s both Waylon Jennings and Lynyrd Skynyrd released lived versions of the song, neither of which featured yodeling. Both labeled their versions of the song as "T For Texas".As for what I'm doing here, I'm just having fun with my 4 String Cookie Tin Body Guitar-Dobro-Banjo thing. Tuned to D-G-D-g with a Piezo Transducer taped to the inside lid.(Sorry no yodeling here)

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  • sounds so natural. great !

  • Hey Mark,
    One of my favorites to play as well. Thanks to your newest contribution, there are now officially 1.3625 million versions of it.
  • Hey man that four stringer really sounds good! I usually build three strings tuned AEa but i ve often wondered about using 4 strings tuned AEAe ... looks like the arrangement would sound pretty good ...more strings more volune... thanks for the contribution !!!!
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