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Swamp witch guitar pirate build for slow hound

Views: 316
eye patch sound hole cover , ( cut from a tooled leather purse ,)cannon bay parts (slide holder ) and all tacs came from jewelery box door ,cannon door opens and closes thanx to a smallcigar box hinge .slide bottle neck is painted black inside to look like s cannon.its oblong shape allows to be twisted into place and held snug .faux leather cord was a sweater belt .the rest just built itself ;-)hope ya like her slow hound ;-)get your swamp witch guitars here folks ;-) feel free to ask fo a theme ;-)

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  • you  can  give    him  one  of these and  he'll  sober  up  in a  hurry .  :-D

  • What can you do with a drunken sailor?

  • get   dat  buffer  fixed  ;-)

  • your   player's  mixed  up  ?  :-(

    well  here's a picture  if   it  helps  ;-)


  • lol ..  how  could i  forget  bug  ...?   thanx  bug  ;-D

  • thanx   rodney  ;-)  this one   will  be  hard to  let  go of too  ;-(


  •  I likes the Cannon/slide holder,Cool vid too!

  • thanx   kat  ;-)  like rtz  said eariler  ..    i  truly  feel like the "O.C.C"   of 3 stringers  .   ;-)

  • wow slowhound , that's a beautiful area  ..  yup  i can see that theme  fitting in  well  ;-)

  • thanx    maddog  ;-)  i'm  sure   he  will  ,,   this one  may   wake  the  puppies  though ,  instead of  lulling them  to  sleep  ;-)   

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