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Skull and Bones amp test

Views: 148
Skull and Bones amp test. Ignore the bad noodling, just testing the clean and gain sounds.

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  • I finished it today. It sounds great! I'll post a vid later this week

  • Sweet. If you can, post a video. I want to hear what the MAH5 sounds like.

    They ought to pay you to advertise their equipment! haha

  • Nope, this one's the 3W one. I've crammed a MAH5 into an onld radio body and it sounded great. I should be finished with another MAH5 amp this week.

  • MAH5?

  • Yep!

  • Did you use some guitarfuel products to build this baby?

  • good stuff !!!

  • yum yum

  • And yep, my noodles never come out right. 

  • The clean is actually pretty clean, I was playing a CBG that has a built-in pre-amp so it drives that little 2W circuit a bit - even on clean.

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