Simple tube overdrive pedal

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Very simple easy to build tube overdrive pedal! I'm not sure of the website I found this on but there's two versions the version I'm using is called the valv...

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  • Well put it right at the top it literally took about an hour start to finish! If you run it with a 12v supply you get a bit more headroom a nice bluesy crunch and at 9v watch out it really over drives! I experimented a lot and i put the dod first then this and then the grande boost and cranked the amp! It would rival most high gain monsters out there! For me though I like having just the dod in front and keep the amp clean with both pedals at 12 o'clock I get a good acdc type tone then kick the dod in for great lead tone and sustain, all I need is some reverb and ill have all I need!
  • Oooohhh it's a thing of electronic beauty. There are some nice cages for this size valve on eBay too which would go with this project.

    It's going on the list of things to build.
  • 1/4 watt resistors I used metal film caps and one ceramic if anyone can't find the schematic I can post the one I used. Thanks for the comments
  • That's lovely!

    What power were the resistors that you used? (1/2W? 1/4W? Etc)

    It sounds most excellent :-)
  • cool

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