Route 1 Overdrive

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Swamp Witch in overdrive up old Route 1.

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  • Thanks Nancy kat!!!

  • :-D

  • Nice song Clock I think, but i do know she has great skin.

    swamp witch guitars put some shred in your shed .

  • Lookin' for the purrfect tree Wolfie?! Witchywonderful~~~~~~ Meowy ^.^__/305939852?profile=original

  • Thanks Wes, Uncle John, South Paw, jeff, and Diglydog!

  • You're making good progress there !  Really great music on that Swampy :-)

  • I'm thinking he steers with his knee and holds the camera in his teeth.

  • how do you do it? play a gitty, drive a vehicle and hold a camera?

  • Sounds great. Lunch on Hwy 1 with Mr Clock! Remember to bring some mutton for the wolf.

  • Haunting tune;-) Put me down for a burger too ;-)

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