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Rockin the Bayou

Views: 109
Gotta love it!

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  • and  this  one  time  ... at  swamp camp  ...  ;-)

  • That is Shelby...and he lives right down the road from me. No kidding...he has several great boats at the landing and a big red barge parked down the river a bit. Yeah...there are all kinds of wood out here in the swamp. I was just telling someone yesterday that I wanted to make a couple of three-ply necks made from Cypress with Walnut in the center. I AM going to do that. I could use Fat-Pine, but I am not sure it's rigid enough for what I want as it is very sappy. Even the 100 year old stuff you find out in the swamp that has been submerged for an unknown period of time. It looks beautiful... and it's EVERYWHERE out here in the swamp. We use it to light fires with because it is extremely flammable even right  out of the water, you can cut a sliver off and it will light right up.

  • Dunno. He looks kinda, well... off?


  • i think i figured this out???,  happy trip,  across the swamp , out to get the ultimate tone wood, deep in the  , maybe under the swamp, maybe gonna , i know meat up with this guy,  to get some cbg wood? 


  • oh

  • speedy McZippy    loooks  happy . 

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