Robin Egg Blue RTZ Test drive REMIX

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Crimes of the heart, we have all had our hearts broken and have broken a few ourselves. Get your Kleenex out; oh, the drama of it all.,

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  • ;-)


  • hey....want some candy...lil girl...heheheh

  • Em-G-A6...sweet and simple. Like the drone and unresolved nature of that chord. Great tone from that Cohiba box; RTZ built ya a good 'un. You do a nice job with this song, Smarty. Nice to see you for once, instead of that dirty old man all the time ;-).
  • Yes "Baby" the precious sounded better with the pick and with the last lyrics i had forgotten on the first, and the sweet pictures, cbg nation sure supports its followers, love smartypants

  • baby-robin-hatching-from-egg-6.jpg

  • Ahhh now thats a nice fit S~Pants~Love the song Love to hear u sing~~Meowwww^^306082807?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • yup yup ,much better w / a pick ...lovin it

  • guitar landed in a great home, you play it very nicely, good song !!!

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