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Ragged and Dirty - Rythm by Mr Beat

Views: 154
Ragged and Dirty... (Just like my playing!)Rythm by Mr Beat ..(starring my left foot)Found my old harmonica bracket...(oh no!)

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  • Poor Be, error of her ways and all that. But ah'll drink tae her bein proved wrong, ma man;) Where's ma HIP FLASK? lol

  • Aha but men can't Multi flask! according to Be

    Good to see you have proved her wrong!!! :>)
  • Not to worry, Bug. I made a thermos flask of coffe, and a thermos of tea, and a thermos of Campbell's soup, ALL AT THE SAME TIME.

    AH WAS MULTI FLASKING !!!!   BOOM BOOM (anybody doubt I am a comic genius now!! lol).

  • Many thanks again ... My tempo is a bit hit or miss on this
    This Multi tasking is quite tricky.. However I will keep practicing!
    .....more cowbell is definately on it's way!
  • Sounding good again Mr. Bug.

  • Well, Bug, you and your kin often WILL get ragged and dirty. In ma part of the woods, very rarely see a bug takin a shower. In fact, noo ah come ta think aboot it (ah NEVER HAVE seen that!). Nice; Blues on, ma man :)

  • Great video...

  • Mr Beat has taken over you life,lol!! ...and they say men can't multi task!! Some pretty nifty playing there : -)

  • good stuff bug!!!

  • Sweeeeeet!!!!! Great harp!!!!

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