Radio Amp test

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Radio amp test with 4 string cigar box guitar.

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  • Thanks Wes

    2nd hand shop find I was looking for a table, Got a wallnut table and 4 chairs just needed a a bit of a rub down and the guy gave me the radio ;-) Did have the Wife and 3 dirty little kids with me must have felt sorry for me.

    Next time I go hunting I will dirty te kide up and take em with me lol.

    Hay Jamie.

    What beer is ,was in it? might tell you why he left it in. With some beers its better to cut out the middle man and chuck it down the bog ;-)

  • Dave, ma man, guy who made it should have drunk the beer first, ah guess. It plays havoc with the "electrics" ! lol

  • Thanks James, I was'nt too worried about getting a blast off it as it is only rated a 7.5 volts.

    Thanks Pick, Nancy Kat.

    Mr MacBlues I have seen your beer keg amp I think half of the fun of making one of those is drinking the beer first lol .-)

  • Nice wee amp, Davey, ma man. Ah thought ah had put up a video of wee radio amp ha've got, but must have taken down. Got one up of ma beer keg amp , and also got a Dansette record player amp (need do an upload of that too!.NONE are ma own builds, ah just buy them  (ah'm a lazy sod LOL)

  • SupersoundSPD!! Meowow^^

  • yum yum  ;-)

  •  sounds great, glad you didn't get electrocuted !!!

  • Thanks Beetle Juice

    I did a sterio tape ghetto blaster before easyer as its tape.

    But this looks way better and I did some seaching on the web and i must say found some of your vids and that helped loads so thanks for posting them;-)

  • awsome, thats how its done...why would someone buy an amp in the store after watching this!

  • Yeah the dogs chasing the duck drives me quackers ;-)

    Thanks Mr Wolf

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