Princess Candy Blues Pt:I on a weissenborn

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Not strictly CBN material i know but as a active memeber i thought you'd all like a lookie :-) A little tribute to my much loved cat Princess Candy who passed away this week, she will be sorely missed by all the familly

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  • Thanks SlowHound, the first time I heard a weissenborn I knew that's the guitar I wanted to master (or try for a lifetime lol) it's got a hollow neck and acoustically it's got a unique tone and sustain that when play in open tunings is simply heavenly. It's perfect for slide blues too as well more classical pieces, check out a guy called Ed Gerhard on YouTube and see a true master play it you will be wowed!
  • So sorry for your loss. Never gets any easier saying goodbye to our fur kids. Been through it recently and will be going through it again soon. I feel for ya.

    Great little tune. That guitar has a really nice droany sound.


  • Thankyou Bug and Clock :-)
  • ๏_๏ ...... \_^.^

    ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ meow!!!

  • Sweet as.....sounds awesome...

  • Thanks Jason, James and RTZ much appreciated comments :-)
  • sorry hear about Priness Candy, one of my favorite instruments very cool,  Gold Tone is making a Dulciborn.



  • Wonderful music!!! Sorry about your loss..:>(

  • loosing cats sucks , sorry to hear about yours , i have been there many times my self, that weissenborn sounds very nice, i would like one of those my self !!!

  • only  a cat  .. ???   geesh  ..   when  my   cat of 20+  yerars   died  .. i almost cried like a lil  school   girl .

     and another  one   i  still   think about  that   gets  me  all meloncholy  ..  

    it's rough man  ,,  even  if  it's a goldfish  . lol


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