personalSong by personalbox à la cabane

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Petite vidéo promotion du financement participatif pour enregistrer notre 1er album ... merci aux orgas de la cabane à concer...

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  • Sorry for the bad translation ...
    Personalbox want to announced a crowdfunding campaign for his first cigar box guitar album, "Blue ROAD" From france
    if you want to see more information you can see the campaign at

    for example You can order the digital album for 10€, for 20€ you will have the physical album.

    PersonalBox exist since 2013 ... on the basis of an instrument manufacturing workshop from recycled everyday objects.
    Since that date we are constantly evolving to make cigarboxGuitar, stompbox, or battery from a dryer ...
    we are therefore an eco-friendly group, against the planned obsolescence, all this by playing a Trash-blues or Dirty Blues Rock ... provided that groove! ...
    the first concerts emerged quickly with well-customized covers (ACDC, depech mode, seasick steve, white strips, telephone, Inxs, Rolling Stones, Berurier Noir, ...)
    then the sound explorations quickly led us to create our own compositions.
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