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Reptile guitar and double bass pedal linked to block and cabasas, on Bugs busker box amp thingy...

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  • Killer job man, way to rock it!!

  • Thanks Sharecropper Joel... Claim has just renamed me "Buggy Bugzborn"

  •   I agree with Maddog !!

  •  greatly done mr Bug !  

    ( or "Buggy Bugzborn" ? ^^)

  • Thanks Nancy Kat... I still havent forgotten your requested song... thanks for the picture too ......maybe I am?!@*":;@

  • Bug that was sooo darn good I'm still dancin' whoooohoooo! meowwwwwwza ^^305958022?profile=original 

  • Classic stuff bug, OZZIE 407.or should I call you Tony Iomi 407,rock on Bugster

  • Super ultra low tec

    I use to record my guitar on a little tape recorder the play it back, and play the guitar and record the two guitars on my answering machine then play it back and record some bucket or kid rattle sounded like crap but I was mutli tracking. Thanks bug I wore my share of B.S. records.

  • Ya did Ozzy, Geezer, Bill and Tony proud Bug! Interesting take on a Metal classic, I like it man!

  • one man band..very good have talent

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