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ode to leatherface bulders challenge

Views: 224
Here’s my “ode to leatherface . chainsaw blood soaked , cigar box guitar builders challange entry . .It’s headless , (pun intended ). Turners are inside the box , the quick access skin flap closure allows for easy tuning on the fly .The pickup actually (fittingly ) is an electric / mag backroom buzzer from the meat packing dept, of a local grocery store that was torn down .I mounted it ABOVE the strings , under the chainsaw body wood piece . it works great , I added an earth magnet to it to give it even more balls .The sound hole is made to look like a broken window , with metal mesh screen from a jewelry box door . and clear hard plastic cut up like glass shards . there are tools hanging on the wall inside .. (a wooden bloody sledge hammer I made , and a mini hack saw ( I have no idea where I got that . weird doll house stuff I guess )I glued images to pieces of wood , then cut them out and applied to top of the box to get the 3d effect .The skin is pieces of the rubber hand I trimmed off when making my Halloween build . .. the mask is actually 3 pieces and actually sewn together with real thread . then applied with staples , and it is raised as a mask would look .I actually drilled holes into the front of the box and used jute to sew actual large stitches in the box .Chainsaw blade is a bmx bike chain , and actually does not really impair playing , nor hurt you hand at all . it is stepped back and out of the way ,, any riding along it with your hand is smooth . if it happens .Ebony bridge , - drywall screw nut , - poplar neck .- rocky patel cigar box body .Strap buttons are “bloody painted meat hooks “ (eye screws ) that actually hook into the bloody apron guitar strap that goes with it ..(funny story .. I actually was questioned by the police after I splashed red paint on the apron and hung it on the clothes line to dry .. it seems a passer-by-er saw it , and raised enough suspicion to alert police about it .. they came to my door with a funny look on their face … after explaining everything .. they left looking at me even weirder. lolAnyway ,, I hope I get a better reaction from you guys then I did from them ;-).

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  • thanx   bug  ;-)

  • I thought Clock had one of these,......aaarrgghh!!!

    Nice work Mr P you should win in my mind!

  • thanx silent jim    ..   ;-)  i   needed  that  .       you too  clock ;-)  needless to  say , .. and for a few different reasons,   ..    i  too     will  now  join    the  ranks  of those that refuse  to     enter  future  build   challenges .


  • A stick up Count Chocula's a...  Oops!  (°‿-)

  • thank you john  ,, so was yours   ;-)


  • Very nice build, detailed and creative. 

  • thanx  wes    ;-)

  • thank you  maddog   ;-)

  • A LOT of detail went into to this one Pick. Thumbs up Man, very nice.

  • thanx   clock  ,     phillip  ,    kat  .............. and    freddy  ;-)

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