Nutbush City Limit cover by Ice Bob

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saw a band do this a while back thought i would try it .live bass drum tamborine, scooby bass thru a bass microcube , telephone mic thru a microcube ,stereo ...

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  • thanks crissy b Scooby dooby do !!!!

  • got it on ebay but it dont look hard to make

  • as it happens i got to say thats the best cover of that song i ever heard

  • really like that love the mic i gotta get me one 

  • IceBob,,

    Bringin' Da Funk! What are you using to get the reverb echo vocal effect? Is it just the reverb setting on the 'Cube? Nice work!
  • thanks careles John funny when you play bass and bass foot drums its eazy to lock in  the groove with your self. Thanks Turtelhead alyways looking for old cool songs Tini turner wrote this about her hometown. early in her carear. she nailed it.

  • I sat tapping my foot and singing with you Bob ... excellent work man..! Great sound.

  • thank you freind

  • Wow, great job.    ooooooo, I'm such a noobie at CBG's.

  • thanks neanderpaul happy new year

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