Nirvana's 'In The Pines' (an attempt)

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Test driving Dollar Bill's Stompin' Hogg 3 String Cigar Box Guitar (Again)

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  • Thanks Jason, much appreciated my friend.
  • Sounds really good Paul!!!!

  • :)

  • Thanks Jamie, it's taken me ages to get here, but now I've got the basics somewhere near I can hopefully start to embellish it a little.
  • Nice , Paul. I was playing this song when I was bout 14. Could not afford many Dylan songbooks at that age, ordinary "folk" guitar  books were cheaper :)

  • Thanks Shane, coming from you that means a lot.

    Maddog, you'll nail this my friend. If you want me to do a breakdown how to video just drop me a message here or on Facebook. Keep on rockin'
  • Outstanding Paul!!! Watched this quite a few times on F.B and I am back for more, you really play this well! I'm hoping to get some free time to learn this, with your help of course :-)

  • Thanks Spike. For someone who thought music wasn't their thing just a short time ago I'm really pleased with where I'm headed.
  • Your playing gets more confident with each vid..... good stuff!

  • Why thank you kindly Mr Clock Sir...
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