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Monster Canjo

Views: 271
Monster Canjo made by my daughter and I. She helped plane and shape the neck and did all the fretting. Not bad for six. Fretted on pentatonic scale plus fret 2.

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  • Ha!  You could glue a piezo to the stick somewhere for fast and easy.  You can also run a cheap strat style pup inline with the string.  There are also single pole Diddley Bow type pups available.  Here is one example:

  • Great job!

    Are there any good ideas on how to electrify one of these?  I have been looking around, and have a few ideas, just trying to wrap my brain around things.  Thanks. 

  • Thanks Ellwood.  I'm having a lot of fun running up and down the scale in different patterns.  I'm torn between continuing to work on this one with a couple mods or start a new one.

  • Thanks 407bug. No Pooh sticks in our build.
  • wow sounds 7 year old I had playing a dulcimer the other day, but building that's something else!! ( looks better then my build quality already! LOL)

  • Early in life...I'm 39!

    Oh, the apprentice.

    Is she an apprentice if we both are learning how to do this.
  • Great joint effort. Good to see that you are taking on your apprentices early in life.

  • American slang. . .  :)

  • lol, yeah was wondering about the knife?!. She'll soon be making them for you : -)

  • Typing on my mobile before coffee......

    The scale is a bit long for her.
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