Mark Mason Playin' Cigar Box Guitar

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Ok, here's my Grandson Mark Mason playin' cigar box guitar. We hope to build him his own this summer.

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  • Thank you guys for your kind comments. He's 7 years old and will be 8 in August. He began strummin' my guitar when he was 7 months old and has never been far away from the music. I'm hopin' he'll get a little more involved as he gets a little older but I'm mighty proud of him and his little sister Mindy. They're our only grandchildren and have permanent residence in our hearts. You can see both of them on and
  • Ya got it goin' on Mark!!!
  • keep playin great
  • he looks about my sons age, 7 or 8? havin a great time no doubt, few years from now he'll be on stage makin big money :)
  • Thanks for your kind comments. I'll be sure and point it out to him. He's ready for his own.
  • he's got rythm!..a strumstick sounds like a great idea : -)
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