Look out the WhiteWitch is about... !!.

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Thanks to everyone who made this possible.... a special thank to the master creator.... Anonymous Pick & Swampwitchguitars

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  • flattery  will  get you everywhere

  • Thanks Anders....you have to admit that's one cool mother of a guitar from Pick.... all the way from New Magnetic North....Coven guitar land! ... land of the swamps and witches...(Mind you I thought they just had Bears and Bees?)

  • thanx  bug ..  you're too  kind  ;-)

  • 4 Me.... this is my 164th listen.... ha ha...

  • Pick you should be up there with Gibson and Fender......in guitar history..!!!!!

    and for the Magnetic North Guitar!!!... my compas has never worked since I heard that guitar of your and you blew the grid out!

  • yum yums  ..  man  ..  like my  10th listen  lol.

  • More swampin around....or whitewitchersims


  • Ya said, Bug :As I need help covering all these....


    I thought at first you were the blog guy , secret identity etc ?

  • Nope you lost me ... less scottish please..?

  • Only askin, because if you do this art/comics etc, i am gobsmacked! (no offense! lol)

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