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Heres an opportunity to see and hear the cbg Christian Beshore made for me last Easter.Many thanks brother.song written after the Hastings gig hence the references to sweaty sheets and long roads-its a simple tale of sin and redemption ...or is long road a metaphor for life? who cares??ha ha ha!

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  • well that paricular model (Mutt M151 A2) is Vietnam/coldwar era-I lived behind Burtonwood airbase in Warrington and the Yanks had em stacked up there in columns of three in aircraft hangers as far as the eye could see.
  • KC baby! not seen you since the punk days..and that was a mighty long time ago!! ;0) xxxx

    ps-sold the jeep in March :0(
  • Glad to see you still have the Jeep !!! Charlie D pointed me in your direction.....great stuff John ! glad to see your getting down with your bad self !!!! xxxx
  • Nice Jam. I like the MTV "music video" look of your video. Nice production. Thank you for your comment. You ever hear these boys:
    They are worth a listen. Happy Holidays. Enjoy.
  • I wondered how long it'd be b4 someone clocked the northern soul t-shirt!
  • Hey HB I just spied your t-shirt in the vid - i get the feeling that that your roots are just a bit more than punk and blues. Maybe a bit of Frankie Wilson, Holly St James, Lou Pride, Patti & the Emblems, Lou Johnstone, Tommy Hunt etc etc. Gonna have to get me one of them shirts.
  • cheers Johnny.
    yeah, c u in Brum Stuart.should be a crackin do all round.
  • Keep crankin 'em brother!!
  • Yet another bitchin tune ! Love it - See ya in Brum
  • ROCK!!
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