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playing my cbg!!! re post, for my old cat!

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  • dam..  sorry to hear about your kitty  james  .. i truly know   how that feels  ..   i  had a cat    that lived   to  be  20+ yrs ..   i  was crushed when she died  .

    here's  hoping  yours   is   just out gallivanting  .

  • Oh so sorry James! Ithought the kitty was a girl--i will send good thoughts your way hoping he will return to u!

  • crimson toad,Mr clock, Mr pick,  anders, RTZ , Nancy Kat, thank you all !!! for your nice words. that is lily, he is the cat behind the image, i have used in many videos, he was 10 years old, and not in very good  health, and now he has been missing for over a week, i figure he is dead so , i did a tribute to him. kinda stupid i know but thats just how things go around here

  •  Jame she is B_E_A_U_T_I_F_U_L!!!! Meowwwwwwahwahwowww!

  • 305842079?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024305842996?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024305844049?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024305845402?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024305846219?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • lol thank guys !!! my board consist of a wah pedal !!! got to say thats impressive, guess you would have to learn a special dance, to use all that stuff , lol

  • Hey James sound great is this your board.305841312?profile=original

  • yum yum  , kitty tunez




  • Yeay !!  More searing guitar...Likey..Likey !!

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