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Lil Reso Vid

Views: 232
Six string (dual course) resonator relic git.

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  • Lotta work and thoght

  •  It really is a MASTER PIECE! :-)  I cant see how anyone ever will "top" that! Its so beautiful,and real musch work and hart put into it! You´ve got all reasons to be proud of this CBG( I would) ! Glad you posted it JP!

  • Thanks JP, I also checked out your photo page for more pics! Great looking guitar with lots of Nice detail!

  • Delvero, I appreciate your comments man!  Here's a couple build pics that should answer your question.


  • Thanks HB!   So far, I'd have to agree with you!   It turned out pretty much like I'd hoped.  Now if I could play like you!!

  • JP, This is Amazing! Is it a solid body made from a cbg? Love all the style you created with this reso!!

  • Damn-thats really sumthin'.Lotta work gone into that-every hour was worth it mate.

  • Calim, Thanks for the kind words!  Much appreciated.

  • Steve,  Yer right!  Definitely wouldn't want to drop it on your toe!   Can be used as a weapon if needed!

    Thanks Wes*****

    Jim,  Thank you kindly!   Gonna have to practice up a bit first, then video!

    Keni,  Thanks much for your comments.  Mad Max huh.......that's futuristic isn't it?  I was going for more like an 1800's look but I'll take it as a compliment just the same!  ;-}}   By the way, I'll be ordering up a set of your videos soon.   Need to learn how to play more than just the boogie note if I'm to do a video of this thing!

  • Wow that looks great. It looks like something out of a Mad Max movie. Do you have audio? Enjoy.



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