Ithuteng recording - Sotho Sounds

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Recording the audio for "Ithuteng" in a quiet grove in Malealea. You can see the music video here: (Learn)Learn childrenThere are horses in the fields.There are aeroplanes.Please MarionPlease, please, please,Don't be sad.For if she who cares for the orphans is sad,the children will be in the darkest place.What will they eat?Trust, it is important to help the orphans and the poor,To build schools,God help us.We are alive and we survive.We are only asking for luck,And where to get a better life.God has what we have asked for.God says that I am weeping.He should help me to wipe my tears,And those of the children.

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  • ke a leboha, thank you. we have included the words in English

  • Excellent,,,thanks for posting

  • 306030191?profile=original

  • Lovin this all the way.

  • Cool sounds ...ah just spotted the drummer at the back...what are the words about? 

  • The very definition of "handmade". Great job of making something out of nothing.

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