I built myself a little cigar box geetar

Views: 181
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Yep, I built a little guitar out of a cigar box, a stick of wood, and some nuts and bolts and things. And you can too! I just joined CigarBoxNation.com and downloaded the plans. If I can do it, it's got to be pretty darn easy.Thanks to MrRandomWritings for his mentorship and inspiration, as well as all at CigarBoxNation.com.

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  • er-thats any time not ant time-ants minutes are much faster than ours so I've heard.
  • you're hooked now brother-cbg's are like the Hotel California-you can check out ant time you like-but you can never leave!
  • great vid..your enthusiasm comes through!! You do realise this is an addiction??
  • clap clap clap clap, you did it, Bravo!
  • Nobody would know how tickled you are about it either! I dig the enthusiasm. Looks like your first build turned out well. You are planning a second (and a third, and a fourth, and...) aren't you?
  • Would be rude not to comment here as well! Congrats on your first build
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