Humidor Troubadors - Corn Whiskey and Cider

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A Humidor Troubadours original.

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  • Excellent :D Please give us some tips about the bass building cbg, it sounds really good !
  • Thanks Ice Bob! I'd also like to thank you for posting your videos. These instruments are fun to look at but its nice to see and hear people who can play them too!
  • cool guys love it
  • Thanks! I think ideally we'd like another person so that we could have that bass going all the time. What you don't see is the big, honking, string bass that's just off camera to the right. We like our little CBB too though! You should definitely build one and make sure the neck is plenty strong.
  • Great set of videos guys - the bass certainly makes a difference - I am building one right now, you've convinced me it's a good idea
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