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How to cook a hot dog with a three string git

Views: 159

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  • Silent Jim, ...Silent Jim speaks, a hilarious yet tasteful comment. I love it hahaha. Take care man. :-)
  • Yup. hahaha thanks for the laugh Frank. :-)
  • PapaSimone, My Uncle Jeb once sat on a box like this one, just a foot from the fire. He now resides in 4 different counties. Lesson learned, I keep my box 2 feet away. Later buddy, take care. :-)
  • StumbleCol and Roger, I'd go insane if I didn't do crazy stuff. It's just how I'm wired. hahaha Thanks. :-)
  • Now that's playin fer yer supper!
  • Wow!  Is it a good idea to keep a box of explosives so close to the fire?  I dig the Stroh horn on your git!
  • you deff  have some crazy stuff  but its so cool keep it up


  • Oh great Wes, now ya' tell me. Where the hell were ya' on Sunday !?!  Well, I suppose now-a-days with everyone gettin' tattoos and holes punched in every conceivable part of their anatomy, an arrowhead branded on your tongue ain't too unusual. Thanks for stoppin' Wes n' for the sage...altho' too late, advice. :-))

  • The Clockwork Owl, finally someone who tells it like it is. My playin' is as pleasant to the ears as a blunderbuss.

    Honesty, I respect that. Seriously tho', cool that I was able to help "trigger" an old memory. Thanks, take care man. :-)

  • Plank you...I mean..., Thank you, Eric. :-)
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