How to Play "Bad to the Bone" for Guinness World Record

Views: 330
Get Embed Code On Saturday, August 24, 2019, the Pennsylvania Cigar Box Guitar Festival will attempt to make the Guinness Book of World's Records' "World's largest cigar box guitar ensemble" by having people play "Bad to the Bone." Here's how you play it!

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  • Dang, I just got back to Illinois from New England, might have stayed over had I known this (but didn't have my CBG along anyway). If the Skype thing Tom inquired about is an option, keep us posted.

  • Anybody doing a Skype hookup to increase the numbers of people for the record? I'd dial in! Will the Guinness people accept it? What time? Shane if you want to try it, I can send out a link for the Skype

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