Holy Spirit of Glory: 3-String Surf & Turf SLG Cigar Box Guitar

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We play 12 songs in one hour during our Monday Night Zoom sessions from 6:30 - 7:30 pm (Pacific Standard Time). To join us check out the details here: https://www.cbgslinger.com/zoom

It's a great way to have fun and learn new songs.

Cigar Box Guitar Slingers - Spokane, 230th Zoom Mtg 12/02/24. Only 1-finger chords, free songbooks here: https://www.cbgslinger.com/songbooks
CBG Xmas Songbook.pdf Song #231

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  • I always appreciate your encouraging words BrianQ. It certainly is a message of hope in challenging times. Thanks for watching.

  • Thanx for keeping the faith slingers!!! A great message leading into the Xmas season laughing

  • Lyrics were written by my pastor and I did the rest on my 6-string. This is the CBG version.

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