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Gramophone guitar

Views: 109
Happy Birthday Elvis!Decca Gramophone Box Guitar...Blues Suede Shoes....(The easy version!)

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  • that has a great tone!!..hope the turntable idea works out : -)

  • Great sound. Well played. Thank you!

  • What I was thinking was using the turntable as a rotary speaker mount and adding a motor.. but need a cheap wireless transmitter to send a guitar signal to a CBG battery amp speaker mounted to the moving turntable...

    How cool would that be!

  • yes, its an acoustic recording... its a big sound box.. and still has a small tin horn inside that pick up a bit of the sound and reflects it via the hole... I would like to modify  it so that it has a proper phono arm and I'm working on the detail.

    its very tatty and beyond repair... spring gone too...but now has a new life as a guitar..

  • A gramophone box? You used a gramophone box? I do hope it was beyond any hope of being used? Or can it still be used? Either way it sounds really nice. That is it playing acoustically isn't it?

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