Gold Rush Resonator Guitar

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Cigar Box Resonator Guitar I built. It has a RV floor flange for the resonator cone, a stove top drip pan for a cover, a purpleheart biscuit bridge, popular and oak neck and drain covers as the sound hole covers. It is a electric three string laptop with some swampy blues just pouring out.Thanks to my friend Matt "Sea Legs" Singley

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  • nice what is the resonator made of freind sounds good
  • Yes Rich, I put a round biscuit type bridge on the top of the flange. I turned a piece of purpleheart on the lathe to the same size as the top (bottom as it would set in the floor of a RV) I then put a piece of Corian in a slot i trimmed with my Dremel. I don't know how to repost it here, but you can go to my pics and it is tagged 1st. Resonator Build. It shows the flange and how I mounted it. I did add some more bracing in the box.
  • great sound! - did you just set the bridge on top of the flange?
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