Give Me Some Truth

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John Lennon's.. .Give me some truth (words)Melody ad Pic's by BUG

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  • I'm glad you do as I don't .....;>)
  • Infact Jims comment below tell you who John was talking about.
  • Ah yes always been honest call a spade a spade
    And very good at upsetting people, but don't mean to.
    As I have no tact !
    (p.s this song is not aimed at anyone personally but the whole government!)
  • File:Camera obscura2.jpg

  • I need a camera like yours!
  • ThanKs Digly dog
  • Nice adaptation, Bug.

  • Damn politician all the same...thanks Jim,RTZ,Jason,UJ,Nancy,James and Clock

    Strangely this book opened at this page ad the words fitted to my I went for it, as I wanted to record helter skelter but my drum loop wasnt ready...last night. good ol John Lennon eh!

  • Thats why we love Uncle John tells it like he see it. It just made me think off the day we lost the                      Working Class Hero. The song and Kats pic. Wonder what Lennons take on the world today would be.Thanks Bug

  • Great song,love the way you did it!!!! :)

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