Fret Slot Cutting Jig (Prototype 2)

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Here's an updated version of the simple fret slot cutting jig built from scrap wood. Works great for low budget builders!

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  • Yep I use the power scroll saw method (people come into my shed and condesendingly say "did  you know you have your blade back the front?" - well yes I did actually - hehe). Yep n use the dremel as well but though it was a great couple of vids for those that don't have the toys.  I like the two vids cause it also shows the evolution of an idea and with a bit of tweaking as PK said one could make an adjustable one for varying neck & finger board  widths. Actually I havent done a build with a separate fingerboard yet just hack staight into the neck.

  • Naw uncle that was me mate :D Lowe and Crocker put me onto it tho
  • cool for the newbies but i still prefer using the power scroll saw method. Old lowe turned me on to that way, real slick and with a dremel diamond cut-off wheel to dress the fret ends, then a dremel brass wire bit to remove the fret burrs it cuts my fretting time in half.

  • It is clever but it commits you to one neck width and one fingerboard thickness. It would not take much more thinking to add adjustment for both these things
  • pretty cool, good information !!!

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