Fret Groove Cutting Jig for Cigar Box Guitars

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Another great solution: This is a very basic jig I made for my cbg builds. It may be too primitive for some builders but it works for me.

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  • i really appreciate this one it was educational for me due to the fact im a begginer building n learning to play cigar box giutars thanks

  • That's great. Gots another design for you to try. I do this with mine as I need to control the depth of the slots.

    305783893?profile=RESIZE_480x480305784607?profile=RESIZE_480x480The above is the Japanese Flush Cut saw like yours but I added a stop bar to it. The metal is REALLY hard so you have to have a strong hard bit. The bottom I have two jigs. The left is one I don't use anymore as I was slotting before I glued the fretboard on. Now I use one similar to the right. It fits much like yours but instead of a fence, its an actual slot and I can control the depth with the saw and jig. The hole in the center allows me to align the pencil mark with the jig slot.


  •    Oh no!!! What happened to PENNY'S HEAD!!!

  • This guys stuff is great. Anyone know if he's on the nation?

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